Member Fee: Free (closed)
Registration for the 2020 UFVA Conference is FREE for UFVA members.
Vendor Fee: $450 (closed)
With the purchase of a Vendor Registration, sustaining members will receive a virtual booth. Your virtual booth can be customized with your logos, downloadable print materials, videos, and/or images. Each booth can include bios of your team, along with headshots to personalize a visitor’s experience. You can view a demonstration of our Virtual Conference page here: DEMO of Conference Page.
The Vendor Registration includes:
Contact the UFVA Vendor Liaison Mark von Schlemmer, 785-550-4336 by June 15th if you wish to reserve your place in our program.
Please Note: All vendors must be Sustaining members of UFVA. For more information visit: Membership.
Non-Member/Guest Fee: $30 (closed)
Non-members or Guests may join the 2020 Conference for a fee of $30 payable during registration.