Member Fee: Free (closed)

Registration for the 2020 UFVA Conference is FREE for UFVA members.

Vendor Fee: $450 (closed)

With the purchase of a Vendor Registration, sustaining members will receive a virtual booth. Your virtual booth can be customized with your logos, downloadable print materials, videos, and/or images. Each booth can include bios of your team, along with headshots to personalize a visitor’s experience. You can view a demonstration of our Virtual Conference page here: DEMO of Conference Page.

The Vendor Registration includes:

  • A 75-minute time slot for our members to interact with vendors’ sales teams outside of the four scheduled sessions each day. These will be times where members can virtually stroll through the vendor booths and connect with sales staff.

  • Virtual “coffee breaks” throughout the four days, 15-minute slots – scheduled between sessions – exclusively devoted to vendors: one session on Monday and two 15-minute sessions every day from Tuesday through Thursday.

  • Individual or group meetings with your sales team. Through the conference interface, UFVA members can make appointments with your representatives and sales team or simply drop in to chat whenever you have sales staff available and working the virtual booth.

  • We are also planning for at least one evening event per day where vendors and members will have a chance to interact casually in a social environment.

Contact the UFVA Vendor Liaison Mark von Schlemmer, 785-550-4336 by June 15th if you wish to reserve your place in our program.

Please Note: All vendors must be Sustaining members of UFVA. For more information visit: Membership.

Non-Member/Guest Fee: $30 (closed)

Non-members or Guests may join the 2020 Conference for a fee of $30 payable during registration.

Registration questions?


Discover UFVA

We are a multi-disciplinary community focused on professional exchange and development in motion picture arts higher education.