Association Colleagues,
Having attended both UFVA Board meetings at the 2019 Augsburg Conference and the Annual Business Meeting, it is unclear what specific changes are to be made to the By-Laws.
In the past, changes have been presented point by point and thoroughly discussed in the Business meeting before a vote was sent out to the general membership.
As far as I understand the President mentioned that there were proposed By-Law changes during her remarks to the members at the Business Meeting. We were told that the bylaw changes would be summarized and sent out before the membership was to vote.
There was no formal call for discussion of the By-Law changes. Since the membership was attending to President Vasquez’s general outline of the work of the Board, the lack of discussion of the changes might have been the result of strong interest in her presentation and resistance to interrupting her flow, than a disinterest in what the By-Law changes are to be.
I agree with Bill, and feel that the interpretation put forward in Jen’s response is an unusual reading of the processes outlined in our by-laws. Her presented interpretation goes against past practice and my personal experience of 40 years of UFVA By-Law changes .
Suzanne Regan
Past President
UFVA Board Member, 2019-2021