Submission Deadline: May 15, 2021

UFVA has revised last year’s policy to allow members to submit to an additional category. This year members may submit to more than one event or content area. This change is based on member requests and our desire to expand submissions in an unusual year.

Propose a pre-constituted panel composed of four papers. Using this link, submit your abstract for each final paper, plus citations (a minimum of three, maximum of five), any co-authors, and additional membership information. All panel participants must be UFVA members.

This is a juried process. You will be notified by the end of May.

UFVA encourages diversity and the submission of multicultural and interdisciplinary work.

Diversity dimensions include (but are not limited to) gender, career stage, ethnicity, race, education, sexual orientation, region/geographic location, physical disability, and religion. Additional information can be found in the UFVA Statement of Inclusivity.


Papers & Panels Chair: Mary Beth Woodson


Ready to submit? Click this link – Pre-constituted Panel Submission Form

Want to become a member? click this link – UFVA Membership