Conference Formal Response

A formal response is a written assessment of presented work at the UFVA Conference. Formal responses are given by UFVA members (faculty, students or professionals) presenting at the conference. A formal response needs to be requested at the time of submission to the conference. Respondents are assigned by the conference chairs and are announced when the conference schedule is made public.

Formal responses may be used in a member’s tenure and promotion portfolio.

Learn more about how UFVA supports faculty advancement.

Responsibilities of Respondent

  • If you request a respondent to your work, you must also be a respondent. 

  • All respondents must evaluate the work assigned to them prior to the conference, and write a response and/or critique on their institution’s letterhead. 

  • Presenters and respondents must reach out to each other as soon as the schedule is announced, to exchange their work, and arrange for viewing and critiquing.

  • To find the email contact of a presenter or respondent visit the UFVA Member Search


Contact the Conference Chairs or the Conference VP.